Staying within terms of YouTube's terms of service, a discussion around open and hidden discrimination.
#FreedomofSpeech is always worth fighting for. #Nodiscrimination towards any group adult discussion and debate. We stand our ground for the freedom of ALL people. Defend our...
#Question of the day?
#Syoptv #mrsj #freedomofspeech #fakemicrealnews #freedom #BBA Email Us: [email protected] Grim Reaper Radio Discord Channel-: Useful Links - #fakemicrealnews
Ever Wanted Freedom To Discuss What You Want? Now You Can Monday Nights From 7.15pm GMT
#FreedomofSpeech is always worth fighting for. #Nodiscrimination towards any group adult discussion and debate. THIS CHANNEL IS FOR EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY ALL OPINIONS EXPRESSED...
#FreedomofSpeech is always worth fighting for. #Nodiscrimination towards any group adult discussion and debate. THIS CHANNEL IS FOR EDUCATIONAL AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY ALL OPINIONS EXPRESSED...